Empower Your Business Transformation with Agile ERP Development

Empower Your Business Transformation with Agile ERP Development

The Digital Evolution: Accelerating Your Success

In an era defined by rapid digital transformation, the pace of digitisation has soared to unprecedented heights over recent years. This surge has been fuelled not only by global events but also by the ever-evolving demands of customers and markets. To meet these dynamic demands head-on, the key lies in adopting a digital-first strategy, underpinned by flexible, responsive, and stable IT systems.

The Challenge of Traditional Methods

In the realm of ERP solutions, like SAP, Oracle, Workday, and Salesforce, traditional approaches to development and change delivery struggle to keep up with the relentless pace of business needs. While agile development methodologies are embraced by many teams, enabling them to swiftly navigate market shifts, these ERP systems, interconnected with various other platforms, impose limitations on the speed of adaptation. Consequently, these systems inadvertently become the bottleneck that impedes value delivery and innovation.

A Glimpse into the Bottleneck’s Impact

An illuminating report from McKinsey unveiled a staggering reality: a staggering 75% of ERP transformation projects falter, veering off course from their intended timelines or budgets. Through extensive research, McKinsey pinpointed five pivotal factors behind this alarming statistic. Among these, three factors emerged as primary culprits: a disjoint between business and IT integration, a skewed focus on technical execution over business value delivery, and the persistent reliance on the conventional waterfall approach to ERP development.

Unlocking Success with Agile ERP Development

The encouraging news is that embracing agile development for ERP solutions has the potential to surmount these challenges—be it in colossal ERP transformation endeavours or when rolling out Business-as-Usual (BAU) changes and more compact projects.

The Benefits of Agile for ERP Projects

Agile development’s core objective is clear: furnish high-quality software in quicker succession, ensuring customers reap value expeditiously. Yet, the perks of this approach extend beyond speed:


Mitigating Project Risk:

Agile simplifies risk assessment and management for expansive projects. In a landscape characterised by unpredictability, subdividing large undertakings into smaller, manageable segments equips teams to promptly adapt to emerging changes.

Enhancing User Adoption:

Frequent deployment of smaller changes expedites user training and integration, hastening the realisation of benefits. This method curtails the technical risks associated with substantial changes, translating to fewer glitches.

Dynamic Prioritisation:

Agile empowers teams to constantly rearrange task priorities, guaranteeing that delivered features truly align with business value.

Accurate Cost-Benefit Evaluation:

Agile's incremental nature enables accurate tracking of investment and benefits, rendering an insightful comprehension of the financial gains associated with each deployment.

Transparency and Progress Tracking

By releasing compact work units, visibility into software development status surges, crucial for ERP systems prone to siloed work environments.

Embrace the Future of Jaarvis Agile and DevOps

As the global business landscape undergoes unprecedented transformations, the antiquated mechanisms of managing ERP-related changes are no longer sufficient for staying competitive. Today’s challenges necessitate modern solutions. Agile and DevOps methodologies usher in a new era of ERP development, fostering Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) workflows, and driving iterative progress.

Jaarvis have developed a hybrid paradigm, combining onshore and offshore resources to maximise efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By harnessing both onsite and offsite teams, our customers are capitalising with on time-efficient communication and substantial cost savings. Projects are meticulously crafted to deliver both swiftness and security, paramount for the unceasing delivery of transformative change. By nurturing collaboration, mitigating risks at an early stage, and bolstering agile delivery quality, we are helping organisations to usher in a new dawn for ERP development.

Recently, one of our esteemed clients embarked on an organisation-wide agile transformation to supercharge value streams and streamline processes. At the heart of this mission was their SAP team, entrusted with integrating business-critical SAP systems into the initiative. Despite the inherent complexities, Source Central’s visionary approach instilled confidence, leading to successful agile SAP development adoption, and magnifying production deployment frequency from months to bi-weekly.

Our team of seasoned experts

  • Employ Agile practices strategically.
  • Optimise cycle time and increase throughput by mapping the end-to-end IT value chain.
  • Streamline environment provisioning with Azure DevOps.
  • Integrate test automation and CI/CD pipelines, elevating test coverage and quality.
  • Foster accelerated turnaround, heightened throughput, and superior quality assurance.

Let us assist you in unlocking unparalleled growth and efficiency in today’s ever-evolving business landscape. Our approach marries cutting-edge Agile and DevOps methodologies to revolutionise ERP projects, ensuring your organisation’s success at every turn. By partnering with us, you’ll experience a transformational journey that brings agility, collaboration, risk reduction, and accelerated value delivery to the forefront of your operations.