App DevelopmentEcommerce

An Extensive Guide on E-Commerce App Development

By December 14, 2022 No Comments

E-commerce app development is a rapidly growing field, with new trends and technologies emerging all the time. To be successful in this field, it is important to understand the key aspects of e-commerce app development.

In this article, the team at Jaarvis have compiled details on emerging trends in e-commerce, as well as explore how to build an e-commerce mobile app.

What is Mobile Commerce?

At its core, mobile commerce refers to any type of purchasing or selling activity that takes place using a smartphone or other mobile device. This can include making purchases directly from a retailer’s app or website, as well as using a mobile device to compare the cost or make purchases in-store.

What are the Different Types of E-commerce Apps?

Ecommerce apps come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own cost of development, as well as unique features and functions, but they typically fall within four main types:

Business-to-Business (B2B)

B2B eCommerce apps are designed for businesses that sell products or services to other businesses. The design will make it easy for businesses to manage their inventory, track orders, understand the cost of goods, and process payments (such as Amazon Business & Alibaba).

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

B2C e-commerce mobile apps are designed for businesses that sell products or services to consumers. These types of apps typically have features for consumers to browse and search for products, add items to their shopping cart, and check out quickly and easily (like Amazon or even food delivery apps).

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

C2B e-commerce apps are for those who want to build a platform for consumers who sell products or services to businesses. Consumers will be able to list their products or services, set their own prices, and process payments from businesses (such as GitHub).

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

C2C e-commerce apps are for consumers who sell products or services to other consumers. Consumers can either directly upload their own products and set prices, or can select items for sale from others and move them to their cart for purchase.

Upcoming Trends in E-commerce – Mobile is Key

There are a few key trends that are currently shaping the e-commerce landscape, and they are largely driven by mobile usage. There has been a huge shift towards mobile-first commerce, with more and more consumers using their smartphones as their primary shopping tool. In addition, there is an increasing trend towards omnichannel shopping, where consumers move seamlessly between online and offline channels.

Finally, personalisation is becoming increasingly important, as shoppers expect a tailored experience that meets their specific needs and preferences through added convenience & UX design. Brands failing to accommodate will feel the cost in lower traffic and conversions.

How to Build an E-commerce App

Learning how to build an e-commerce app can be a daunting task. But with a clear strategy, careful planning for your features, and a dedication to ongoing maintenance, it can be a lucrative, cost-effective opportunity to scale your business. For further assistance on what mobile commerce is, the trends in e-commerce, or with all of your app design and development needs, please contact us at Jaarvis today.

Initial Strategy

The first step to build an e-commerce app is to develop a clear strategy. What are your goals for the app? What pain points are you trying to solve for your customers? How will your app be different from other e-commerce apps on the market?

Answering these questions will help you develop a clear vision for your app. This vision will guide the rest of the development process and ensure that everyone involved is working towards the same goal, as well as save on any future costs for changes or updates.

Design & Planning on Desired Features

Once you have a clear vision for your app, it’s time to start designing and planning. This is where you’ll decide on things like the user experience, navigation, and overall look and feel.

It’s important to put thought into the design of your app, as a well-designed layout and functionality will be easy to use and engaging for your users, but a poorly designed app will be confusing and off-putting, determining your success.

E-commerce App Development

After the design and planning phase, it’s time to start developing the foundations and features of your mobile e-commerce app. This is where you’ll take all your designs and turn them into code that can be run on a device.

The development process can be divided into two parts: front-end development and back-end development. Front-end development refers to the part of the app that users will see and interact with. Back-end development refers to the part of the app that runs behind the scenes, such as the database and server-side logic.

Ongoing Maintenance

Once your app is live, your work is not done. You’ll need to continuously monitor the app and make sure it’s running smoothly. You’ll also need to update the app on a regular basis to add new features and fix bugs.

In some cases, you may also need to provide customer support for your app. This may include answering questions from users or helping them troubleshoot problems.

Contact Us at Jaarvis for Assistance with Your E-commerce App Design & Development

Learning how to build an e-commerce app can be a daunting task. But with a clear strategy, careful planning for your features, and a dedication to ongoing maintenance, it can be a lucrative, cost-effective opportunity to scale your business. For further assistance on what mobile commerce is, the trends in e-commerce, or with all of your app design and development needs, please contact us at Jaarvis today.

Initial Strategy

As a WooCommerce Application developer company, we appreciate the need to express your unique vision. Our app developers take the time to understand your business and develop a winning strategy before launch.

Design & Planning

We are an agency of developers that build WooCommerce applications that deliver results, meaning our comprehensive design and planning services are centred around user-centric UI and UX elements.

App Development

In-house teams of seasoned WooCommerce developers work tirelessly to create protected, scalable and vigorous mobile applications.

Ongoing Maintenance

Ensuring your application continues to operate with success, we can provide ongoing maintenance services that provide updates and improvements as they are needed.

Jaarvis is built on innovation, excellence, balance and teamwork giving your vision the best chance at success.